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Mosaic ViziBPM

ViziBPM is a set of applications to model and manage your BPM diagrams and documents.

Vizi Modeler as a core product provides a sophisticated design tool for BPM notations such as process maps, BPMN or business object modeling. It is seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Visio, so you can start designing diagrams right away. 

In addition, proper data management makes it easy to store and share process models. Thanks to the consistent implementation of open standards, the diagrams created can be used directly in automation platforms (BPMN-XML).  With our Team Repository, you have the choice between a classic database solution for a standalone application or you can opt for a team solution. You can also opt for a cloud solution or a SharePoint solution for your data management.

Vizi BPM Module

Vizi BPM Module Vizi Modeler für Microsoft Visio web

Vizi Modeler for Microsoft Visio (1)



  1. Just-in-time document validation
  2. 100% BPMN Modeling (OMG standard)
  3. Documentation and Reports (Word, Excel)
  4. Document Management to organize and share diagrams
  5. Import/Export, Real Roundtrip
  6. SharePoint Integration
  7. Simulation, Risk&Controls

Vizi BPM Module: Vizi Modeler for Microsoft Visio (2)

Full BPMN 2.0 process models

Our Template supports just-in-time validation of the BPMN 2.0 standard (OMG) and the Method&Style guidelines.



The Method & Style Wizard will automatically generate a first diagram draft based on some user input, following the Method & Style rules and guides.
The aim of the wizard is to assist the process designer in the creation of a correct, consistent, appealing and unambiguous BPMN 2.0 model with the help of pointed questions as well as AI.



Enrich your process documentation with information about risks and related control measures. With Vizi Modeler it is as simple as the BPMN modeling and is done systematically.


Process Landscape Modeling

Create your own Process Landscape based on our Template and the possibility to link from the landscape to the BPMN processes.


BOM Modeling

BOM (Business Object Modeling) Modeling, matching with SQL database or existing graphs (Roundtrip) and the possibility to link BPMN Data Stores with Business Objects.


BPMN model interchange

With the Vizi Modeler, you can easily exchange your models with other BPMN tools because we support 100% of the BPMN 2.0 standard (model roundtrip).


Vizi BPM Module

Vizi BPM Module Vizi Manager (Team Repository) web

Vizi Manager (Team Repository)



The Vizi Manager provides the ideal opportunities for team collaboration. You can access your BPM diagrams and documents anytime from any location. With Vizi-Manager, you can manage your process diagrams and related documents centrally. Share your process diagrams in the team and save diagram centrally including CheckIn/CheckOut and document Historicization. This makes it easy for everyone in the team to access the BPM diagrams and related documents.


Finally, you caan publish your process tree on SharePoint Online.


Vizi BPM Module: Vizi O365 Integration (SharePoint Teams)




Vizi SharePoint provides you with a range of configurable SharePoint WebParts for displaying and navigating your diagrams and documents as well as using the collaboration functions of Microsoft Office (comments and likes) (statistics?? das ist ein separates WebPart). It gives you the possibility to store documents within SharePoint on different sites and link them to other diagrams and elements thus allowing to have the documents decentrally managed.


Vizi BPM Module Vizi O365 Integration (SharePoint Teams) web

BPMN training courses

We have been conducting BPMN training courses for many years. Based on Bruce Silver's successful training concept, we offer exclusive BPMN training for beginners and professionals. Take a look at the upcoming events.

Stephan Fischli

BPM Lead Manager

Introducing Stephan Fischli, our Lead Manager for MOSIAC IIM Solutions