ELCA Office

ELCA Group once again outgrows the market

ELCA Group once again outgrows the market

The ELCA Group, Switzerland's leading independent IT group, once again announces a remarkable increase in sales revenue in 2019 to CHF 170 million (+ 12%), outperforming the market once more. Since its takeover in 2015 by a group of Swiss shareholders led by CEO Cédric Moret, the ELCA Group has posted steady growth of 11% over five financial years.

The solutions saw their sales jump by 53.3%, more than 7.5 times the market. These include the following products: SecuTix and TIXnGO, ticketing management (including blockchain technology); Sumex, invoice processing solution for health insurances; iPension, integrated product for insurance and pension funds; Filar, augmented reality solution for maintenance and construction; IntAct Board, security and anti-fraud solution; PeakProtect, online traffic management; ELCA QDB, mass data management; ELCA CRM NetworkViewer, dynamic customer contact management.


  • Services (engineering, ELCA Advisory (business and technology consulting), Cloud hosting, IT management) grew by 7.1%, almost twice as fast as the market. The ELCA Group continues to serve the Swiss and international market with dedicated services for the management of transport and energy flows, cybersecurity and the digital transformation of companies and institutions.
  • Increase in the number of staff. In a highly competitive environment for attracting the best talent, the ELCA Group continued to strengthen its skills and highly qualified staff. At the end of 2019, the Group had more than 1,300 employees, twice as many as in 2015.
  • Certification for TrustID. TrustID, ELCA's scalable electronic authentication and identity solution, was certified by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health in December 2019. With trustID, ELCA offers a 100% Swiss secure platform that is totally independent and guarantees strict confidentiality of personal data. trustID thus becomes the first identity provider (IDP) to serve patients and healthcare professionals with the same solution. The solution is already being used by Swiss pharmacists within the OFAC alliance and on the abilis.ch health services platform. It is also being implemented in many cantons and institutions.
  • Acquisition of Oxynade. With the acquisition of the Belgian Oxynade Group, SecuTix, the ELCA Group's ticketing management company, is consolidating its position as market leader in electronic ticketing as a white-label service solution (eTaaS). Oxynade is present in 13 countries and ideally complements SecuTix's state-of-the-art technology offering in all areas of digital ticketing management - for agencies, theatres, show and concert organisers, opera houses, festivals and all sports clubs, organisations and competitions.
  • New centre in Zurich. In November 2019, the ELCA Group moved into a new centre in the Altstetten district of Zurich, where employees are housed in modern, welcoming offices designed by architects Spillmann Echsle. The new centre will enable the group to manage its growth in Zurich, where the ELCA Group is recording a sustained increase in market share.

Year after year, the ELCA Group asserts its leadership in IT innovation. Our sustained growth reflects the confidence of our customers and our ability to enable them to achieve their ambitions by meeting the most demanding challenges of the digital transformation. For more than 50 years, the quality of our teams, our independence and our know-how have made the ELCA group a bridge between strategic decisions and technology. Times change, our mission remains: we make it work!

Cédric Moret

Chief Executive Officer

Stéphane Clerc
