
Advisory IT Consulting

We advise our clients in the definition of their IT & digitalization strategies, the adaptation of their organizational changes and the adoption of the corresponding technologies.

We support in solving your most important business challenges, drawing from practical experience with more than 1000 IT projects in different industries - We know what works! 

People & Culture

Digital Transformation is a challenging process that requires everyone in the organization to adapt to new ways of operating. One key element in handling change in a successful manner is to focus on the people and company culture.


ELCA Advisory accompanies you in your digital transformation journey by providing special guidance and knowledge around people and culture, to enable not just a successful but moreover a sustainable transition towards new ways of working.



Technologies and new ways of working allow processes to be designed more efficiently and develop new offerings and business models. To discover new potential and focus on the right priorities a strategy for digital transformation is of great importance. Based on best practices and the experience of our consultants stemming from a multitude of successful projects, Advisory specializes in strategies relating to digitalization and information technology as well as cloud- and data management strategies.


Products & Services

The feasibility and profitability of an organization’s product and services offerings constantly evolve. Before considering concrete actions regarding digital transformation, it is crucial to fully assess the scope and the purpose of the products and services the organization brings to the market. These findings give the organization the opportunity to newly position itself in accordance with technologies, in order to explore new potential markets.


Capabilities & Organisations

The capabilities represent the organizations core competence and determine the operational and innovative powers required for sustained performance and growth. The interdependency between the actors, the available resources and information technology need to be fully adapted to each other. The organizational structure assures the necessary structures, which are mandatory to implement the capabilities efficiently for sustained operational success.


Policies & Processes

Organizations require a system made up of policies and processes to conduct stable and productive day to day operations. Policies are established company rules to guide the processes driven both by internal and external forces. These can include topics such as compliance, data security and the enforcement of governmental laws and regulations. Processes guide quality assurances across departments and are guided by polices and driven by efficiency. When properly adhered, processes increase productivity, and customer satisfaction.


Applications & Data

Data Management is primarily a decision making and oversight process that prioritizes investments, allocates resources and measures results to ensure that data is being leveraged to support business needs and objectives. It enables organizations to operate in a well-organized data-driven environment. Implementing a comprehensive data strategy, and introducing appropriate policies and procedures, results in higher efficiency and desired outcomes.


In the age of big data, the alignment of IT and business is central to any organizations ability to collect, store and assess critical data. Reliable Business Intelligence is crucial to track an organizations development and success, developing new products and services as well as predicting future scenarios (predictive analysis).


Infrastructure & Resources

IT-infrastructures form an important foundation for operations and further development of an organizations general structure.


They include all viable physical IT assets such as computer hardware, data centers, server installations and network infrastructure. For other resources such as real estate, production equipment and other facilities, new use cases with technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) can drive various capabilities to a new level.


Innovation & Technologies

In a continuously changing world, innovation is a top priority for business leaders. Deciding upon which approach to take that will provide the best results is not an easy task. By applying proven methods like Scaled Startup, Advisory offers support to the innovation process. Our contribution creates clarity and the basis for the decision-making process. Leveraging the collective considerations and opinions of your employees and stakeholders allows you to identify, develop and implement the most valuable ideas for your organization.


Cloud Adoption

Cloud technologies increase the flexibility and efficiency of IT infrastructures and applications and drives the core business’ acceleration to the market. The right path to the cloud depends on technical, economic, and cultural factors. ELCA Advisory supports companies in defining and weighing the criteria and prerequisites. From this, the appropriate cloud strategy adoption can be derived, and the suitable methods and procedures can be evaluated. The result is a feasible and financially viable plan for a successful path to the cloud.


Cyber Security

Cybercrime has become a serious concern for businesses of all sizes because the methods of the offenders are becoming ever more sophisticated. Therefore, it is crucial to implement a system with the guiding policies in place to shield the organization from potential harm within the cyber sphere. Properly encrypting your data is the basis for cyber security. Furthermore, creating awareness among the employees with proper training concerning potential threats is equally critical to ensure a safe and secure working environment.


Customer Journey

The customer journey sets prospects onto a voyage with your products and services. By launching digital marketing campaigns, customers are guided to their destination by engaging digital touchpoints. The goal is to drive awareness in the mind of the customer and build trust for your products or services. Combining CRM applications with analytics tools, customers can be attracted, guided, targeted, and analyzed to achieve the best possible return on investment. The goal is to convert sales of your products followed by customer binding measures that present the second phase of the customer journey.

Sébastien Vaury

Practice Leader – Business Technology Transformation

Meet Sébastien Vaury - Practice Leader – Business Technology Transformation