
Generali Switzerland, Basler Versicherungen and Unfallversicherung Stadt Zürich UVZ introduce the automatic invoice verification system Sumex

The IT service provider Centris is introducing the Sumex II invoice auditing solution in an outsourcing model for Generali Switzerland, Basler Versicherungen and Unfallversicherung Stadt Zürich (UVZ). The three projects follow on from the successful introduction of the Sumex solution at the Zurich-based Branchen Versicherung Genossenschaft and the Aargauische Gebäudeversicherung last year. With Sumex II, insurers can handle their entire benefit verification process automatically.

Centris, the IT service provider specialising in health and accident insurers, has been operating the Sumex II invoice verification solution for Unfallversicherung Stadt Zürich (UVZ) since May. With Generali Switzerland and Basler Versicherungen, two further projects for the introduction of Sumex are on the home straight until the end of 2022. Last year, the solution was already introduced at Branchen Versicherung Genossenschaft and Aargauische Gebäudeversicherung. By the end of the year, a total of five customers who opted for the introduction in 2021 will process their invoices and receipts with Centris using Sumex II in the software-as-a-service model.

At UVZ, the accident insurance company of the city of Zurich, Sumex II went into productive operation in midMay. Thanks to the detailed specifications of the insurer and the conceptual know-how of Centris, it was possible to set up and put into operation an automatic invoice verification system tailored to the needs of UVZ in just a few months. This is how UVZ sums it up after the successful go-live: "The introduction of Sumex II is an important step for us on the way to a highly automated and efficient auditing system. Together with Centris, we were able to integrate the Sumex II project into our core application on schedule and within the expected budget."

The project with Generali Switzerland is also about to be introduced and is scheduled to go live in July. Joel Dos Reis, Director Claims Bodily Injury at Generali, is convinced that Centris, the industry leader, is the right partner for this partial outsourcing: "Centris' many years of experience, flexibility and expertise were key factors in our decision to entrust the introduction and operation of the digitalised invoice verification to a partner." At the end of the year, the fifth and, for the time being, last connection will follow with Basler Versicherungen.

Centris has been operating Sumex for around two decades as part of its Swiss Health Platform (SHP) industry solution. The software itself comes from Sumex AG, a subsidiary of ELCA Informatik, and is developed in direct cooperation with Swiss health and accident insurers. The modular structure and modern technologies allow for pronounced individualisation, efficient dark processing and optimal support for process automation. In addition to the high maturity of the solution, insurers benefit in particular from uncomplicated integration into existing core systems, versatile customisation options and strict data protection.

The introduction of Sumex II at three more customers not only strengthens the Sumex community, it also confirms Centris' growth strategy: the expansion of the Solothurn IT service provider's portfolio is creating a unique industry solution that is able to support and accompany insurers in their digital transformation in the long term.