
The Fraud Detection Platform

The ELCA Fraud Detection Platform solution is an innovative decision support system. Based on data analytics, it allows transport companies to define a clear strategy for planning and running control missions, allowing a reduction in fraud.

Reduce fraud rate with ELCA’s data analytics and decision support system for ticket control.


Ticket control ensures all passengers are treated fairly (customers with a valid ticket vs. fare evaders). Every transport company faces the same challenge when trying to improve their ticket control process: data are scattered among many incompatible information systems, making analysis difficult, if not impossible. People in charge of planning upcoming control missions must often rely on a best guess to identify geographical zones that require closer monitoring.

ELCA Solution

ELCA has created a fraud detection solution for transport companies. The Fraud Detection Platform allows transport companies to structure data collected during control missions, to visualize these data, analyze them and to support your decision process (where to plan future missions, how to avoid uncovered zones…). As the manager in charge of collecting and analyzing the control missions’ data, you can use the ELCA Fraud Detection Platform to improve your processes and reduce the fraud rate.

The Fraud Detection Platform is structured as follows:


About the Fraud Detection Platform:

  1. Collect: control data come from an electronic ticket control system (such as described here), or from the Event Log or from a database (or spreadsheet). In order to be imported into the Fraud Detection Platform solution, these control data must be structured in an Excel template. ELCA can also provide a service to transform your control application’s custom format into the appropriate Excel format.
  2. Analyze: the Fraud Detection Platform performs a transformation of the ticket control data and presents them in two intuitive ways:
    1. Heat maps
    2. Charts
  3. Plan: the user can mark the zones where missions need to be planned. These marked zones can then be exported.

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