4.2 IIM Academy BPM


For our customers of the Mosaic IIM solutions we offer a set of trainings

Are you interested in learning about the concepts, setup and usage of the applications? Or do you wish to refresh or deepen your knowledge of these applications?

We offer the following standard trainings:

4.2 IIM Academy Docucom

Our established standard Docucom and Domtrac trainings are conducted by an experienced trainer and are based on a successful hands-on approach using practical exercises.



«Domtrac – Basic Introduction» (2 days)
This training conveys the basic concepts step by step. It is recommended as an introduction or refresher particularly for batch workflow developers.

ViziBPM based: “BPMN Method & Style – Intro 1 day), Expert (2 days) and Master (1 day) classes”

  • Our expert training courses are based on the widespread and established "Method & Style" approach of Bruce Silver/Stephan Fischli and are held in Switzerland and Germany by Stephan Fischli himself. Efficient, clear and practical courses with plenty of opportunity for exercises ensure that participants achieve a high level of learning success. The courses are offered by our certified team of trainers in German, French and English.

eDossier Suite

  • “eDossier and eCase Basic Introduction” (1/2 day) This training gives insights how to configure and introduce eDossier and eCase. This includes also the DMS/archive configuration for Eanna.
  • For recordsCockpit and eInventory we recommend a tailored consulting mandate as this contains usually a more custom focused approach than a standard training.

Please do not hesitate to contact Hermann Stängle hermann.staengle@elca.ch in case you need more information.

Stephan Fischli

BPM Lead Manager

Introducing Stephan Fischli, our Lead Manager for MOSIAC IIM Solutions