
Sport & events

Die digitale Welt verändert unsere Gesellschaft – erst recht die Sportbranche. ELCA entwickelt massgeschneiderte Lösungsansätze für das Sport- und Event-Management, einschliesslich SecuTix 360°, der starken und bewährten Ticketing-Engagement-Plattform für ein verbessertes Fan-Engagement.

Um mit der digitalen Transformation Schritt halten zu können, müssen Sportgremien in agile Lösungen investieren, die ein effizientes digitales Management ihrer Veranstaltungen und Marken ermöglichen. Ziel ist dabei, die Transparenz, Verantwortung und Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Stakeholdern zu verbessern.

Daten sind während und zwischen den Events ein wichtiger Aspekt zur Förderung des Sports, indem das Fan-Engagement gesteigert wird; darüber hinaus ermöglichen sie den Sportgremien, ihre digitale Entwicklung effizient umzusetzen.
Da die Innovationen immer grössere Datenmengen mit sich bringen (z. B. Internet of Things, IoT), muss die Sport- und Eventindustrie neue Produkte und Services für engagierte Sportfans entwickeln und die Beteiligung an Sportevents intensivieren, um die Fans selbst zu Lizenznehmern werden zu lassen, So wird auch die Entwicklung ihres Geschäftsmodells fördern.

ELCA proposes a three-step transformation approach for sports:

  • Develop and promote your sport.
  • Develop new sources of revenue by leveraging audiences.
  • Take advantage of digital innovations (IoT, Machine Learning).

ELCA, with its global portfolio, has the capabilities to reduce complexity and increase innovation cycles, and to improve business outcomes and customer satisfaction.


ELCA has strong technical competencies, which are key for the sports and events industries:

  • CRM, Portal, Digital Workplace, Collaboration.
  • Security, Data protection/Compliance.
  • Cloud.
  • BI, Big Data and a new capacity to innovate with its Innovation Lab @ EPFL (IoT, Augmented Reality, Blockchain …).

ELCA has developed SecuTix 360°, the proven ticketing engagement platform. This solution is becoming a reference product for major international sports events.


Engage with ELCA’s experience and technical competencies for a tailor-made approach to your sports meeting or event.

ELCA Industry Solution

Discover ELCA industry specific solutions for Sport and Events

Sport management services

We help sports’ governing bodies become more digitally efficient by providing sports management services, including IT consulting and stakeholder management (CRM) adapted to sports businesses, and collaborative tools that reduce costs and complexity via easy-to-use cloud-based solutions.

Sport digital transformation consulting

ELCA knows how to support our customers to leverage the opportunities created by technology. In sports we help organizations with their IT and digital marketing strategies, improving business processes to achieve operational excellence and enhance customers’ experience.

Discover our services in digital strategy

Event management services

We provide Event Management Services, including a proven Ticketing Engagement Platform (SecuTix) used by clubs and large sports events organizations to maximize ticket sales, build fan loyalty programs or accreditation services.

Discover SecuTix

From fan engagement to fan journey

We support sports organizations in the digitization of their core business model. To do so, we aim to design and deliver an enhanced fan experience. Before, during and after the event we leverage digital touchpoints to build the relationship between the sport and its fans.

Verwandte Themen

Daniel Daguerre

Head of Business Line ELCA Engineering

Daniel Daguerre notre Head of Business Line ELCA Engineering